Laos Doll Hmong People

Hill tribe doll made in Laos, representing the Hmong ethnic group. There is a paper tag attached under it’s stand that reads ‘Bouachan Lao Handicraft Shop’ with an address in Chanthabury District. The Hmong people also live in China, Vietnam and Thailand.

Folklore is in the air… uhm… ear!


Object Hill tribe doll
Origin Laos
Culture Hmong people
Medium Cloth over wire, fabric, wood, chains, metal rings, yarn, straw, bamboo
Mark or Tag Paper tag
Made by Bouachang Lao Handicraft Shop
Size H 30 cm
Dates from Not dated
Acquired ?


Here's a postcard that matches this doll. It shows how the people living in Laos are dressed in their traditional costume.

Text on the back of the postcard: 'Thailand Hmong New Year Festivity. Tijdens de Nieuwjaarsviering lopen de Hmongs in klederdracht. During the New Year festivities the Hmong wear traditional costumes'. Dated 1984.

Happy collecting,