Dutch Collector Award
November 2015 Winner of the Dutch Collector Award On November 21, 2015 I was invited to go to the Verzamelaarsjaarbeurs (Annual Collectors Fair) in Utrecht as one of the nominees for the Dutch Collector [...]
November 2015 Winner of the Dutch Collector Award On November 21, 2015 I was invited to go to the Verzamelaarsjaarbeurs (Annual Collectors Fair) in Utrecht as one of the nominees for the Dutch Collector [...]
February 2014 Interview in Verzamelen Magazine Klederdrachten uit de hele wereld. Interview with pictures in the Verzamelen magazine (Collecting magazine). Resulting in the article 'Klederdrachten uit de hele wereld' which was published in [...]
January 2012 Pictures & Interview for AFAR Travel MagazineI provided most doll pictures for the 'Mix' page in the January/February 2012 paper issue of the AFAR travel magazine. Note: the USA soldiers and Russian [...]
26 February 2010 Picture for Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad I provided just one picture of a few Jewish dolls for the dutch Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad nr 20 (the New Israelite Weekly magazine). It appeared [...]
February 2010 Interview in Antiek & Verzamelkrant A house full of colorful national costume dolls. Talking about dolls. Interview with pictures in the Antiek & Verzamelkrant (the dutch Antiques & Collecting Magazine). After [...]
10 January 2008 Man Bijt Hond Dutch Television Program You can wake me up to be on TV! Man Bijt Hond is a Dutch television program. It mainly focuses on trivial everyday news [...]
2007 Pictures for Earth A Visitor's Guide Book The book 'Earth, a Visitor's Guide' is a weird collection of articles and funny bizarre facts about our planet earth. To illustrate the 'Customs and [...]