Finland Doll Sami People by Martta Nukketeollisuus
Small rubber doll made by Martta Nukketeollisuus in Turku, Finland. Wearing the traditional costume of the Sami people living in the Sápmi region (Lapland). This region stretches over 4 countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland & Russia. The Martta association produced dolls between 1908 – 1974.
Folklore is in the air… uhm… ear!
Object National costume doll
Origin Finland, Sápmi region (Lapland)
Culture Sami people
Medium Rubber, fabric, felt, synthetic fiber, threads
Mark or Tag None
Made by Martta Nukketeollisuus
Size H 14 cm
Dates from 1960's - 1974
Acquired ?
Here's a postcard that matches this doll. It shows how the people living in Finland are dressed in their traditional costume.
Text on the back of the postcard: 'Suomi Finland. Syksyn väriloistoa. Höstlig färgprakt. Autumn leaves. Herbstliche Farbenpracht'. No postmark (blank).
Happy collecting,