South Africa Doll KwaZulu-Natal Zulu Matron

Beaded Zulu matron doll. The Zulu people mainly live in the province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The typical hat is called isicholo and is traditionally worn only by married women. The style of the headdress is usually determined by the clan to which the woman belongs.

Folklore is in the air… uhm… ear!


Object Doll wearing traditional costume
Origin South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal
Culture Zulu people
Medium Fabric, beads, wire, wood, studs
Mark or Tag None
Made by Unknown
Size H 35 cm
Dated Not dated
Acquired Online 2019


Here's a postcard that matches this doll. It shows how the people living in South Africa are dressed in their traditional costume.

Text on the back of the postcard: 'Kwazulu matrons North-eastern Natal. After marriage mature women form their hair into elaborate turban-like styles called 'isocolo' and wear cloaks and long skirts. Kwa-zulu matrone Noord-oos Natal. Na huweliksluiting dra volwasse vroue van die statte hul hare in uitvoerige tulbandsoortige style bekend as 'isicolo' en hullie dra ook mantels en lang rompe'. Postmark 1986.

Happy collecting,