South Korea Dolls Seoul Scholar and Wife

Matching couple of Korean dolls wearing Hanbok, the traditional Korean dress. The hat (Gat) indicates that the male is a scholar. Unfortunately their clothes are quite faded; the female’s skirt was bright blue and the male’s pants were pink. A former owner left a sticker under their stand which reads ‘7-10-1979 Seoul’.

Folklore is in the air… uhm… ear!


Object Dolls wearing traditional costume
Origin South Korea
Culture Unknown
Medium Cloth over wire, fabric, styrofoam, yarn, wood, cord, sequins
Mark or Tag In handwriting
Made by Unknown
Size H 32 cm
Dates from 1979
Acquired Thrift shop


No postcard available. There should be a nice postcard here that matches these dolls, to show you how the people living in South Korea are dressed in their traditional costume.

There is nothing suitable in our postcard books at the moment, too bad!

Happy collecting,